20 May 2012

i'm full ... ?

i have to admit that the first few days have been a challenge. i've been faced with a number of cheating opportunities: ACS Gala complete with hors d'oeuvres, drinks and cake pops; invitations to get dinner with friends and my NEW boss offering to take me to lunch AND a Burger King friday at the office ... all of which i resisted.

i'm currently i'm on my third dairy rotation. i've come to find that these dairy days are MUCH easier than i originally thought. mostly because my first time i tried incorporating Walden Farms products. anyone who is unfamiliar with Walden Farms is lucky.

walden farms

i know what you're thinking. how could anything that is: fat free, sugar free, calorie free, cholesterol free, carbohydrate free + gluten free NOT be delicious* ... shocking, i know. 

so. during my first dairy cycle, i measured out 5ounces of whole milk yogurt with 5ounces of blueberry "fruit spread" in doing so i realized why this diet would work. the combination was so disgusting i would have rather not eaten at all. seriously. the texture. the smell. everything. in an effort to make these products edible, i tried making a smoothie. i didn't think anything could be worse than the yogurt. i was wrong.

in short, i've realized these dairy days will be easy, as i will only be "eating" 20ounces of whole milk. additionally, i had my first weigh in. i'm down 6 pounds! ... great start, i think! 

current weight: 165 pounds-to-go: 25 

*note: anything described as "spread" should probably be avoided. ie: peanut butter spread; blueberry fruit spread

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