28 June 2012

second month slump

current weight: 145 pounds-to-go: 10 (5 from original goal) 

i weighed in yesterday and sadly only lost 3 pounds. i attribute this lack of loss to a number of things. namely, this is one of the first times i've actually weighed in exactly ONE week after my previous weigh-in. also. my period. I'M NOT MAKING EXCUSES - IT'S TRUE! Both the doc and his (female) assistant agreed i would have been down at least an additional 3 pounds if i wasn't bloated. thank you, mother nature. h8 you.

i also tried to get the doc's opinion on my new goal weight. when i first started he had said i should get down to 140; i agreed. it's only as of late i've made the decision to stay on the diet until i reach 135. he said, "we'll discuss it when i reach 140" to which i replied, "HOPEFULLY, that will be next week." he responded with what can only be described as the most unenthusiastic high-five ever. 

this second-month slump is really getting to me. not just this weigh-in. overall ... it's getting harder to avoid meeting up with friends because i can't "get drinks" or "grab dinner," i've totally isolated myself lately. as much as this diet is supposed to teach me how to "live with food" i've never felt more controlled by my diet. i have to rush home from work on my fruit/veggies days to ensure i eat on time. i have to schedule my days so i have time to grocery shop every other day. i've also developed an unhealthy relationship with the scale. not sure if that's better or worse than our previous relationship status which was: nonexistent. i hope i don't develop some weird obsessive compulsiveness or eating disorder from this.

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